Since 2000 Chris has been the lead designer and programmer on all of Synaesthetic's flash based projects. In some instances this has included
creating standalone sites (, but more often this has meant creating flash modules for html driven sites.
:: (a standalone site)
:: The
Trial of K - Evidence (flash component)
:: Icon
- Flash Experience (flash component)
:: Synaesthetic
Theatre Timeline (flash component)
Since 2001 Chris has been the lead Web Designer for Steinhardt. Part of his duties have been the creation of interactive flash projects
for the main School, as well as individual Departments. He has also used Flash extensively in order to seamlessly load photographic content
for many of the sites.
:: The Steinhardt School of Education
Homepage/Splash movie
:: The Steinhardt School of Education
Mission and Vision page
:: Snapshots
of The Steinhardt School (a History in Pictures)
:: Music and Performing Arts Department Homepage/Splash movie
:: Speech-Language
Pathology and Audiology departmental tour
In 2004 Chris began a collaboration with Gadget creator David Szlasa on the development of the Web component to his art installation about
the creation of the first atomic bomb.
:: Gadget
(main site)